Fotografia Europea FE+SK Book Award Open Call 2023
Submissions are now open for the FE+SK Book Award, the call promoted by Fotografia Europea together with Skinnerboox, a publishing house based in Jesi (AN) and specialized in contemporary photography and visual arts: the selected project will be awarded with the publication of a photo book.
The submitted project does not necessarily have to be already edited and designed and can be self-published (printed in less than 100 copies). Applications are open to all photographers, curators, and collectives of any age.
Organization: Fotografia Europea Reggio Emilia
Deadline: 16th January 2023
Awards: The winning project will be published by Skinnerboox and presented during the opening days of the festival 2023 (28, 29, 30 April / 1 May). The book will be printed with a print run of 500 copies.
Link: https://www.fotografiaeuropea.it/fe2023/en/fe-sk-book-award/