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Italian Sustainability Photo Award 2023

ISPA is a photography award that was created in order to tell the story of the world of sustainability in Italy. We are looking for positive stories, courageous solutions and choices that are inspired by sustainability; the photos that are submitted must relate to principles such as conscious growth, hope and innovation.

Up to five projects to be carried out in Italy may be submitted (together with between 10 and 30 images, taken either in Italy or abroad). They must be accompanied by a text and a development plan, both in English (obligatory) and Italian (optional).

The best project will be funded with a grant of 10,000 euros and will be completed over six months between April and October 2023.

Deadline: 10th March 2023

Award: 10.000 Euro

Link: https://www.ispaward.com/


The event is finished.

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