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Fotografia Etica – World Report Award – Reportage

The World Report Award|Documenting Humanity aims at a new form of social commitment through photography.

The award is open to both professional and amateur photographers from all over the world.

The award will give attention to works focusing on people and their social or cultural stories; public or private, minor or crucial; major human tragedies or smaller daily life stories; intimate and personal relationships connecting human beings. Environmentally focused wildlife conservation projects and solution-oriented photojournalism projects are also welcome.

Every year the contest creates a fresco that celebrates the best photojournalism and documentary photography reportages.

The World Report Award|Documenting Humanity isn’t simply a contest that through its prizes economically supports those who are actively engaged in this difficult sector of photography, but it also represents a way for all participants to enter into a supportive community we have built over the past 15 years and composed of professionals who are already collaborating with our organization.

The award is managed by the Festival of Ethical Photography. The event was born in 2010 with the intention of focusing on ethical content of great relevance, bringing the general public closer to social issues. We believe photography is, and has been, a vital tool in communicating the reality of social injustice around the world and we want to emphasize the relationship between ethics, communication and photography through an innovative and diverse festival.

Over 20 exhibits by international and award-winning photographers, meetings, workshops, portfolio reviews, screenings, book presentations, photography labs, educational projects for students and numerous other events.

Other than the annual event taking place every fall, the organization of the Festival works daily to make sure that the photographers’ work is seen and their voices heard.

Organizzatore: Festival della fotografia etica
Scadenza: 12 maggio 2025


30 Euro


  • The prize will be 7,000  Euros, before taxes
  • Printing of the exhibit
  • Opportunity to be included in the screening program within one of the Festival’s venues

Link: https://site.picter.com/world-report-award-or-documenting-humanity-2025

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