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Festival della Fotografia Etica 2019

Autore/Author: Autori Vari
Editore/Editor: Emuse
Dimensioni/Dimensions: 24 x 16.5 cm
Pagine/Pages: 168
Lingua/Language: Italian / English
Anno/Year: 2019



Categoria/Category: Tags: ,


Dal 2010 il Gruppo Fotografico Progetto Immagine organizza a Lodi il Festival della Fotografia Etica, una manifestazione che intende approfondire contenuti di grande rilevanza etica attraverso la fotografia, ospitando mostre di fotoreporter di livello internazionale.
Nel 2011 il Gruppo dà vita al World Report Award, un’iniziativa che si propone di offrire un contributo concreto ai fotografi impegnati nel difficile campo del fotoreportage sociale e documentario e, insieme al festival, diffondere un tipo di fotogiornalismo più sensibile alle esigenze della società civile che alle logiche di mercato.



The Festival of Ethical Photography is a yearly event organized by the Italian association Gruppo Fotografico Progetto Immagine, taking place in Lodi, Italy since 2010. The festival investigates ethical issues through photography by hosting exhibits from international and award-winning photojournalists.
In 2011 the association created the World.Report Award with the intent of providing support to those photographers committed to the challenges that come with working in the field of documentary and social photojournalism. The goal of the event is to create sensitivity and awareness through images that express the needs of our society, while trying to avoid the ever-present trap of consumerism.

In the search for a just representation, that restores their dignity and lost space, Nicolò is close to them and participates in their stories. He knows them and shows us the drama in its essentiality, while always preserving a formal balance, that space necessary for re-elaboration, almost like a classical tragedy, with the aim of recreating the order necessary to understand the facts. Not to spare the observer, but to allow his or her own participating approach.

Exodus | Focus was founded from the collaboration between emuse and the Festival of Ethical Photography, whose World Report Award’s Master and Short Story sections Nicolò Filippo Rosso won in the 2021 edition.


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