Photobook Market is one of the highlights in Hong Kong Photobook Festival. The market is a platform for creative practitioners to showcase their works. It
Landskrona Foto has in recent years been established as one of the Nordic regions’ eminent photography initiatives and includes the renowned Landskrona Foto Festival. It’s
Landskrona Foto & Breadfield Dummy Award enables the winner to have have his/her or their book project published by Breadfield Press and Landskrona Foto during
 Il Premio è stato istituito per ricordare il caporedattore di Fotografia Reflex, Marco Bastianelli, e il suo interesse per l’editoria fotografica. Bastianelli ha sempre intuito,
 Il Premio è stato istituito per ricordare il caporedattore di Fotografia Reflex, Marco Bastianelli, e il suo interesse per l’editoria fotografica. Bastianelli ha sempre intuito,
As one of the highlights of Hong Kong Photobook Festival, Hong Kong Photobook Dummy Award aims to support emerging artists and provide the opportunities to
The Kassel Dummy Award is the international competition for the best unpublished photobook dummy of the year. In cooperation with The PhotoBookMuseum, Cologne and MAS Matbaa, Istanbul, we invite