L’Associazione FaRe Fabbrica del Reportage presenta la quarta edizione del Festival del Reportage, il tema da valorizzare rimane lo stesso: l’arte del racconto sul campo.
Les Boutographies is a festival founded in 2001 in the Boutonnet district of Montpellier. The festival is dedicated to new European photography. All European photographers
At the end of 2022, when ‘goblin mode’ overwhelmingly triumphed in Oxford Dictionary’s selection of the word of the year, we wondered what would follow:
Il festival francese “Les Femmes s’Exposent” è interamente dedicato alle fotografe professioniste (tutte le categorie: guerra, sport, ritratti, ecc.). La sua vocazione è mostrare il loro crescente
The Riga Photography Biennial is an international contemporary art event, focusing on the analysis of visual culture and artistic representation. The term ‘photography’ in the title
It all started in 2013, as a one-off meeting of analogue photography enthusiasts, but it was so successful that the attendees themselves encouraged us to
Fotofestiwal è un festival fondato nel 2001 come uno dei primi eventi fotografici in Polonia. È stata un’iniziativa spontanea di studenti e docenti del Dipartimento
Belfast Photo Festival is a charitable organisation that hosts an annual event at diverse locations citywide. We catalyse local debate, creative development and financial opportunities
Founded in 2004, the La Gacilly Photo Festival invites you on an immersive photographic experience as you stroll around 20 or so open-air galleries presenting